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The Wrapper component is an essential part of the Arc Carousel library. It acts as a container for your carousel slides, enabling layout and styling customization.


The Wrapper component accepts the following props:


Inherits all HTML attributes for a div element since it can be used as a container.

asChild (optional)

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

If set to true, the Wrapper component delegates its rendering to its single child element, while merging all the props passed to it.


Here is an example of how to use the Wrapper component:

import React from 'react'
import { Carousel } from 'arc-carousel'

function MyCarousel() {
  return (
      <Carousel.Wrapper>{/* Your carousel slides go here */}</Carousel.Wrapper>

export default MyCarousel


  • The Wrapper component is used to wrap your carousel slides and is designed to work with other components, such as CarouselRoot and CarouselSlide.
  • It enables layout and styling options to better control the appearance of your carousel.
  • You can set the asChild prop to true if you intend to use the Wrapper as a child within another container or component.